Sunday, January 11, 2009

We have heard very little from Sally since her departure from California. We know that she arrived safely in Ciudad Juarez, and that she briefly returned to the States to celebrate Christmas in Houston with Miss Gaby's family. A computer virus attacked Miss Gaby's computer and she lost all her photos, so we don't even have much evidence of Sally's stay or knowledge of her doings. I assume that she helped whack a few posadas, and perhaps she left her new flip-flops out for the Three Kings to fill on January 6th. Perhaps she even had a visit from Santa Claus, since she was in Texas instead of Mexico at Christmas.

After Christmas Sally spent a few days with our penpals, and then climbed into a new envelope for the long trip to Peru. We're looking forward to hearing about her time with Erasmo in Lima. I'm hoping that she'll get to try some ceviche and mote (raw fish and parched corn). Maybe she'll even try some barbecued cuy, another very typical Peruvian dish.

Here is what we've heard so far from Sally:

Hi friends!
Even though many pictures were lost, I still have some. Now that I've left for Peru I'll take the time to e-mail them. This is Daniel and me at a Christmas scene at a local mall. It was not as cold that day, especially since I had all of Daniel's chocolate milk :) It was goooood!
I miss you all,

Hi friends,
This is Mexican revolutionary figure Pancho Villa. He died sometime aroung 1914-1915, but he is a national hero over here.
This was so muuuuch fun! Who looks more like an angel, them or me?

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